All Worlds Alliance Wiki
Shario Finieno StrikerS

This article uses material from the “Shario Finieno” article on the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Wiki at FANDOM is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Shario Finieno is a character from the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha franchise.

One of Fate's aides, communications operator in Long Arch and Riot Force Six's mechanic. She oversees the training undergone by the Forwards, using the data gathered to make adjustments to their devices. After the disbandment of Riot Force 6, she transfers to the Dimensional Navy as Fate's aide, alongside with Teana, again. In Force, she, Fate and Teana are investigating the Eclipse Incident, and like Alto and Lucino, she is a member of Special Duty Section 6.

In the AWA fics, Shari is a student at the AWA Academy.


Shari is a young woman with a long brown hair, she has blue eyes and wears round glasses. She wears a brown office jacket over a white collared shirt with a blue necktie and black turtleneck top, brown office skirt, white pantyhose and blue & white laced boots.


Shari oversees the training undergone by the Forwards, using the data gathered to make adjustments to their devices. She is loyal and cheerful.


  • Her first name is presumably a reference to the Mitsubishi Chariot.
  • She is usually nicknamed Shari (Shārī).
  • Her callsigns in the extra forces include Long Arch 01.

