Sensei Sensei, also known as the Great One and the S-Quadruple, is a character from the AKB0048 anime.
Sensei Sensei is a mysterious entity in which Tsubasa Katagiri is praying to.
In the AWA fics, Sensei Sensei is set to debut in a future AWA storyline.
In the XP4 fics, Sensei Sensei debuted in the XP4 Heroes Coalition - AKB0048.
Sensei Sensei is nothing but pitch-black with two glowing eyes.
XP4 Fics[]
Sensei Sensei takes the form of an 18-foot tall creature with a bluish-white skin tone, a pair of four arms and a muscular physique. He has a wild and messy white hair, sideburns and beard, he has a pair of sharp ears and a pair of tusks on his lower lips. He wears a pair of round-shaped sunglasses, a golden-colored haori over a red & green Hawaiian-shirt, white hakama pants and light-brown geta sandals.
Very little is known about Sensei Sensei. Later, Acchan reveals that he is the collective unconscious of all living beings, which is channeled through the Kirara and integrated through Dualium.
XP4 Fics[]
Sensei Sensei is depicted as a reasonable authority figure filled of compassion and had quite a quirky personality.
XP4 Fanfics[]
Sensei Sensei is part of Heroes Coalitions and Vanguard Academy as a staff member.
XP4 Heroes Coalition - AKB0048[]
In Chapter 27, Sensei Sensei is first seen interacting with Tsubasa Katagiri in an underground cave somewhere in Akibastar when Kazeyoshi Imai arrives. After Kazeyoshi thanked him for keeping the entertainment alive and requested for the return of the disappeared idols, Sensei Sensei revealed himself and agreed to Kazeyoshi's wishes.
In Chapter 31, Sensei Sensei found Kazeyoshi Imai's pod floating aimlessly in space. The collective unconscious comforted Kazeyoshi for his loss and declared that Mace Wyndu's death will not be in vain. Afterwards, the two made their way back to Kasumigastar.
In Chapter 32, Sensei Sensei took part of paying respects for Mace Wyndu's death by attending his funeral via burial at sea in Atamistar before witnessing the arrival of a fleet of Dimensional Defense Union ships whom paid their respects for Mace by gifting him with a Heroes' Tribute.
In the Epilogue, Sensei Sensei, alongside Tsubasa Katagiri, was mentioned having a discussion with the higher-ups of the Heroes Coalitions about a potential alliance.
- In Episode 25, Tomochin develops the ability to sense Sensei Sensei, and informs Tsubasa that the key to taking back Akibastar is NO NAME.