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Mina Yoshikawa

Mina Yoshikawa is one of the main characters from the XP4 Series of Fanfics.

Mina is a doctor, a professor and an inventor.

Mina debuted in the XP4 Heroes Coalition - Tales in Mega-Tokyo.


Mina had an average height and a cold presence. She had a long jet-black hair tied in a high ponytail and she had purple eyes hidden behind a large round glasses.

Mina's attire differs on each occasion but she is often seen wearing a lab coat.


Mina is a bit eccentric but can gentle at times. Serious in nature and with a silent mood, Mina has an immense intellect. Mina uses her great intelligence to get more than just knowledge, a deep dark secret that she wants.

XP4 Fanfics[]

Mina is a trainee at Mega-Tokyo's Heroes Coalitions and she attends the Heartcross Academy as a student.

XP4 Heroes Coalition - Tales in Mega-Tokyo[]

In Chapter 1, Mina, alongside Sakie Kawakami, Akaza Aru and Parabella Iwasawa, met up with Yuura Inoki and Honoka Kamishina at the Inoki Residence where they had a conversation about Xyrielle's current whereabouts and despite their worries and concern, they decided to leave things for now.

In Chapter 6, Mina, alongside Yuura Inoki, are seen inside the chemistry room of the Heartcross Academy when she presented to Yuura an Emotionless, much to the girl's shock. Later that day, she and Yuura arrives at a construction site somewhere in the city where they saved Suzuka Inoki, Mutsumi Shigino and Nozomi Miyauchi from a pair of Emotionless. Afterwards, she is seen in her personal lab inside the Heartcross Academy where she tortured the Emotionless that she captured.

In Chapter 15, Mina, alongside Miyako Robomiya, are seen inside the laboratory of the Heartcross Academy where they are being troubled by Miu Isshiki when Sakie Kawakami arrives and confronted the maid, she then witnessed Sakie defeating Miu.

In Chapter 17, Mina is seen arriving at her personal lab somewhere in the Heartcross Academy where she met up with Miyako Robomiya and her Emotionless-Pets when Miyako reported that an intruder had infiltrated the academy. She, alongside Miyako, then decided to search for the intruder when they came across Yuura Inoki in a hallway and the aforementioned girl is looking for her sister and afterwards, the three of them decided to search together. Later, they arrived in a classroom where they came across Usami the Ninja assaulting Suzuka Inoki and after Miyako took out Usami while Yuura saved Suzuka, she and Miyako left the room while taking Usami with them. Later that night in her personal lab, Mina performed a horrendous experiment on Usami, much to her glee.

In Chapter 20, Mina is seen sleeping inside her personal lab somewhere in the Heartcross Academy when a strange figure came inside and took her shoes away.


Mina's skills includes Immense Intellect, Knowledge of the World, Able to invent the Impossible, Quick Mind Reflexes, Master Strategist and an Expert in the fields of Science and Engineering.


  • According to Yuura, Mina isn't a bad person but not a good person either.
  • According to XP4Universe, his ideal voice actress for Mina are Sarah Wiedenheft and Yui Horie (both voiced Charlotte Dimandius from Hundred).

