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Yuuki Konno is one of the main characters of the Sword Art Online anime and novels.

Yuuki is the energetic, cheerful Imp leader of the Sleeping Knights guild. She holds a street duel competition, hoping to find someone strong enough to help her guild solo a floor boss, an achievement which will mark their names on the Monument of Swordsmen.

In the AWA fics, Yuuki is amongs the people who were given a second chance to live another life in ZeroTopia. Yuuki is a student at the AWA Academy and is part of Class 8.


Yuuki had short, black-brown hair and, in the final moments of her life, she had extremely pale skin, which made her look very sick.

In ALfheim Online, Yuuki's avatar was a slim Imp with milky white with a hint of purple skin, lustrous and gorgeous, long, purplish-black hair, and red eyes. She wore obsidian chest armour, a bluebottle violet tunic and a windswept skirt of the same colour beneath the armour. A thin, black sheath hung on her waist.


Yuuki was a kind of person who is willing to live her life to the fullest even in her critical condition, when she died peacefully in happiness. She believed some things must be done in forceful means for the other party to understand.

XP4 Fanfics[]

Yuuki is a member of the Heroes Coalitions and is part of the Fairy Knights as an honorary member. She also attends the Vanguard Academy as a student.

XP4 Heroes Coalition - AKB0048[]

In Chapter 5, Yuuki took part in a mission at Lilimstar which ended in a success. Afterwards, Yuuki and her team came across the ALPHA SQUADRON whom aided them in their mission.

In Chapter 15, Yuuki, alongside Mayl Sakurai, Yai Ayanokoji and Ayano "Silica" Keiko, are having a conversation and a drink at the same time inside the lounge area of the Great White Shark. She is present in the living area of the dormitory where Tsubasa Katagiri announced the mission at Lancastar.

In Chapter 20, Yuuki is present during a meeting instigated by Kazeyoshi Imai and Tsubasa Katagiri.

In Chapter 24, Yuuki witnessed Kazeyoshi Imai's announcement all across the universe.

In Chapter 28, Yuuki, alongside everyone, are seen approaching Kasumigastar and upon arriving at one city, they were confronted by Noboru Takizawa and his cohorts, demanding them to leave but they refuse. They then later witnessed the arrival of thousand of AKB-fans, much to their shock and awe.

In Chapter 29, Yuuki, alongside everyone, are seen backstage of the concert hall in a city somewhere Kasumigastar with a look of awe at the large number of crowd gathered for the concert and later witnessed the return of Atsuko Katagiri and the rest of the missing idols, and had a great time watching the performances afterwards. They then learned that Noboru Takizawa escaped which prompted Kazeyoshi Imai and Mace Wyndu to go after him.

In Chapter 32, Yuuki took part of paying respects for Mace Wyndu's death by attending his funeral via burial at sea in Atamistar before witnessing the arrival of a fleet of Dimensional Defense Union ships whom paid their respects for Mace by gifting him with a Heroes' Tribute.

In the Epilogue, Yuuki, alongside the heroes and the idols, is present in the AKB-exclusive space terminal in Akibastar where they said their goodbyes to the members of Unit W and Alpha Squadron. Afterwards, everyone decided to take a break for the rest of the day.


Yuuki holds a street duel competition, hoping to find someone strong enough to help her guild solo a floor boss, an achievement which will mark their names on the Monument of Swordsmen. Her favorite strategy is to charge right at an enemy and fight them head on.

Her Signature Move is the Mother's Rosario, which is an 11-hit Original Sword Skill.


  • The name Yuuki comes from the last two kanji in Crinum and Season, as, in the web novel, Yuuki was born at a time when the Crinums bloomed.
  • Yuuki refers to herself using the personal pronoun boku, which establishes a sense of masculinity and, thus, characterizes Yuuki as a tomboy.
  • Yuuki also acknowledged Kirito as being as strong a player as Asuna, yet she did not ask for his help because he had discovered her secret as a user of the Medicuboid.
  • Kirito claimed that if Yuuki had played SAO, she would have been the one to receive the Dual Blades skill, as her reaction speed was greater than his.
  • As a Medicuboid user, she was one of the few people who had more playtime than the "survivors from the SAO incident", having been logged on for over three years continuously.
  • The fact that Yuuki's given name is pronounced the same as Asuna's family name has been the source of several jokes throughout the series:
    • When one of Asuna's classmates called Asuna by her family name, Yuuki mistakenly believed that the classmate was talking to her.
    • Yuuki jokingly proposed marriage to Asuna and told her that Asuna would have to join Yuuki's family, because if Yuuki joined Asuna's family she would be named Yuuki Yuuki.
  • Yuuki is the second person known to have used their real name as their in-game name (the first being Asuna).
  • In Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, Yuuki is available as a partner for Kirito and can be recruited if the player starts up a new game, but only if Kirito chooses to investigate the strange area after he defeats Heathcliff.

