All Worlds Alliance Wiki
Yanagi Takayama

This article uses material from the “Yanagi Takayama” article on the Glasslip Wiki at FANDOM is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Yanagi Takayama is one of the main characters from the Glasslip anime.

Yanagi is a high school student who is taking lessons to become a model. She has feelings for Yukinari and is jealous of Touko. 

In the AWA fics, Yanagi is a student at the AWA Academy.


Yanagi has olive brown eyes and mid-length brown hair which curls at the bottom, she is usually seen wearing a coloured bow in her hair, which is dark red/pale yellow. Yanagi's school uniform is a white shirt with a red tie, checked skirt and knee-high black socks. When outside of school, she wears casual clothing. Like Touko Fukami, Yanagi wore a yutaka on the night of the summer festival. Her yukata was dark blue.

She appears to be taller than the other girls. Hina Fukami notes that Yanagi has a nice figure.


Yanagi sometimes has a tsundere-like personality, but usually is cheerful and participates in most conversations. It is hinted that she has feelings for Imi Yukinari (confessed in episode 5) and is jealous of Tohko, as she looked over at him during the summer festival and tells him that he will do anything Tohko asks of him. Yanagi is a perceptive individual, and is able to discern the true meanings and feelings of many of the people around her.


  • In the AWA fics, Yanagi is related to Haruka Takayama from Sakura Trick.

