All Worlds Alliance Wiki
Hiro Shirosaki

This article uses material from the “Hiro Shirosaki” article on the Glasslip Wiki at FANDOM is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Hiro Shirosaki is one of the main characters from the Glasslip anime.

Hiro is a cheerful high school boy who is always seen smiling. He has feelings for Sachi. His grandfather runs a cafe called Kazemichi where he and his friends often hang out.

In the AWA fics, Hiro is a student at the AWA Academy.


Hiro has messy tinted light/dark brown hair which is seen pulled back with a white band. Hiro also has olive eyes that match his hair. Hiro is usually seen in casual clothing rather than his uniform, which is a half buttoned white short-sleeved shirt with a red top underneath, darkish blue trousers and blue/white high tops. Too bad he did not inherit his grandfather's sexy look.


Hiro is a cheerful boy who is always seen smiling. 


  • Hiro also appears to have a part time job at a nearby cafe called "Kazemichi", where he and his friends hang out.
  • Hiro has a crush on Sachi Nagamiya.

