All Worlds Alliance Wiki

This article uses material from the “Makoto Kousaka” article on the Genshiken Wiki at FANDOM is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Makoto Kousaka is one of the main characters from the Genshiken anime and manga.

The first member of the Genshiken whom Sasahara meets and is Saki's boyfriend. Makoto is an oblivious guy who remains smiling practically all the time. Because of his good looks and outgoing demeanor, people often don't believe he is a diehard otaku, particularly of video games and, much to Saki's chagrin, eroges.

In the AWA fics, Makoto is a student at the AWA Academy.


Kousaka is a bishounen (a pretty boy) with blonde hair, likely dyed. He used to be bald during grade school - a trait that Saki initially teased him for - but has since grown it to mid length. His outwardly good looks tends to enamor girls even in spite of his otaku lifestyle. According to the fujoshis (rotten girls) in Genshiken Nidaime, he has a hairless body and hourglass figure, and can henceforth cosplay as traps with absolute ease. Unlike Saki, Kousaka is more than happy to cosplay, and often does so to assist Genshiken in selling merchandise.


Kousaka is a genuinely happy and friendly individual with a near constant grin or smile on his face. Unlike most other otaku, he is quite happy with himself and is very open about his hobbies. He is always excited to meet people with similar interests.

Although Kousaka loves his girlfriend Saki, he does seemingly tend to prioritize his hobbies first. It is alluded by Saki that even during sex, Kousaka will position himself accordingly in order to watch the TV when his favorite show comes on. Nevertheless, they are still together, and Saki's tolerance towards otaku improves as a result.

Kousaka is an avid gamer, and can stay focused on an intense gaming session for hours. He plays fighting and puzzle games at an elite level and can generally dominate anyone that plays against him. During Comifest, he is often seen in video game tournaments and generally wins.

DreamTheater Intermix: The World Within[]

Makoto is a student in the City Saints Academy.


In Chapter 26, Makoto, alongside Harunobu Madarame, Kanji Sasahara, Manabu Kuchiki, Mitsunori Kugayama and Souichiro Tanaka, is seen browsing some works in a doujinshi corner somewhere inside the building of OTAKUMANIA.


  • He has no qualms about speaking about any elephant in the room.

