All Worlds Alliance Wiki

This article uses material from the “Ethan” article on the LEGO Friends Wiki at FANDOM is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Ethan is a character from the LEGO Friends - Girls on Mission animated series.

Ethan is a member of the Shadow Group. Ethan is Emma's friend. He is the graffiti artist Prankzy and is currently working on a graffiti masterpiece on the wall outside the Art Café.

In the AWA fics, Ethan attends the AWA Academy as a student.


Ethan is a young man with a tall and slim figure, he has a brown spiky hair and has dark-brown eyes. He wears a dark-green hooded jacket over a gray undershirt, black skinny jeans and white high-kicks.


Ethan is a nice guy and loves art, and holds Emma in high regard. Ethan is pretty hardcore when he gets moody and would often go to the most risky lengths to prove his point.


  • It appears Ethan may work as a cook at the Drifting Diner, as he is seen briefly in "The Daft and the Furious" placing freshly prepared food on the counter and taking an order slip from Dottie.
  • His grandmother, Dottie, owns the Drifting Diner.

