All Worlds Alliance Wiki

This article uses material from the “Emma” article on the LEGO Friends Wiki at FANDOM is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Emma is one of the main protagonist from the LEGO Friends - Girls on Mission animated series.

Emma is part of five member group, FRIENDS.

In the AWA fics, Emma attends the AWA Academy as a student


Emma has a long black hair and dark eyes. She wears a light-purple polka-dotted sleeveless shirt with white collar and ascot, purple & lavender frilly skirt with a lavender belt, white socks and purple sneakers.


Emma is an artist. She can't go anywhere without drawing, painting, or photographing all the beautiful things she sees. She has the quirkiest brain: she can imagine and create things no one else can. She loves telling jokes, even if no one else gets them. She really wants to keep secrets but it's just SO HARD! She trusts the best in everyone, even if they don't always deserve it.


  • It is quite possible that Emma was named after a Scala character of the same name. Scala was a predecessor to Friends, however, the theme ended in 2001.
  • Emma's favorite food is probably cheese, as she keeps mentioning it in "Welcome to Heartlake City".
  • The Friends sometimes call Emma Em.
  • Emma is likely a Jeremy Door fan as she has two tickets to his concert in her bedroom and also hangs up a poster of him in "Match Made in the Studio".
  • Emma has a pet - Chico the cat.

